Community powered by DLOT is a non-governmental, apolitical and non-profit Organization which is subject to Romanian legislation, applicable to this type of legal persona.


COMMUNITY POWERED BY DLOT aims to inform citizens about the impact that lifestyle has on the environment and to encourage actions to protect nature and improve the physical and mental health of any person, through recreation in nature and outdoor sports activities.

Among the activities it will carry out are, but are not limited to:

  • cleaning the litter from natural environments such as forests, banks of water, natural parks and other outdoor protected areas,
  • recreation activities in nature,
  • contracting companies specialized in collecting waste from harder to reach places, such as rural areas, hamlets, waterfronts or forests,
  • educating tourists and rural communities about the importance of properly disposing trash and providing them the means to collect and recycle the waste,
  • presentations and conferences for educating citizens regarding environmental protection and nature's health benefits,
  • organizing events and shows in order to raise funds to support clean-up actions,
  • identifying regions where trash is improperly disposed, such as in forests and waters, and drawing attention of the concerned authority towards the situation,
  • fitness and sports,
  • planting, care and maintenance of green spaces,
  • consulting in environmental issues.


General Assembly

The General Assembly is the governing body composed of all the founding members, honorary and associate members and supporters.

The general assembly has the following powers:

  • establishing the strategy and general objectives of the Organization,
  • approving the budget of revenues and expenditures,
  • election and revocation of the members of the board of directors,
  • election and revocation of the censor / members of the censors commission,
  • establishment of subsidiaries,
  • modifying the Constitutive Act and Statute,
  • dissolution and liquidation of the Organization, as well as establishing the destination of the assets remaining after the liquidation,
  • any other attributions provided by law and Statute.

The General Assembly meets at least once a year and has the right to coordinate and control the Board of Directors, the censor / commission of censors, as well as the entire activity of the Organization.

The Extraordinary General Assembly may be convened in the following situations:

  • whenever necessary, at the initiative of the Board of Directors or its President or
  • at the written request of at least 1/3 of the total number of members.

The General Assembly is legally constituted when the simple majority of the members of the Organization participates in the meeting and adopts valid decisions with the vote of at least half plus one of the number of members present.

The vote in the General Assembly is expressed freely, openly, except for the express situations when the secret ballot can be established. The decision to hold a secret ballot shall be determined by half plus one of the members.

The decisions taken by the General Assembly within the limits of the law, of the constitutive act and of the statute are binding even for the associated members who did not take part in the General Assembly or voted against.

Elections for the board of directors and for the censor / commission of censors take place once every 4 (four) years, except in cases of withdrawal or revocation, when they may be held at the next general meeting.

The activity reports of the Board of Directors and of the censor / commission of auditors, the activity programs, the competition calendars, the budgets of incomes and expenses and the balance sheets are debated and are submitted, annually, to the approval of the General Assembly.

The General Assembly is chaired by the president of the Organization or, failing that, by his substitute. On the occasion of each General Assembly, the minutes are drawn up with the manner of its development, with the debates that took place and with the decisions adopted.

The absent members take note of the debates from the minutes, the decisions taken being binding for the members who did not participate.

The decisions of the General Assembly, contrary to the law, the Constitutive Act or the Satute can be challenged in court by the members who did not take part in the General Assembly or by those who voted and asked to insert it in the minutes, within 15 days from the date when they became aware of the decision or from the date when the meeting took place, as the case may be.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors ensures the execution of the decisions of the General Assembly.

It is composed as follows:

  • a president,
  • two vice-presidents,
  • a secretary,
  • a specialist in Environmental Protection.

The Board of Directors has the following attributions:

  • presents to the General Assembly activity reports, the execution of the budget of incomes and expenses, the balance sheet, the budget project of incomes and expenses, the programs of the Organization,
  • concludes legal acts in the name and on behalf of the Organization, through president or a proxy,
  • approves the Organizational chart and personnel policy of the Organization,
  • elaborates the internal regulation,
  • fulfills any other attributions and tasks established by the General Assembly.

The members of the Board of Directors are elected by secret ballot of the General Assembly, for a term of 4 (four) years.

Within the Board of Directors, all members have the right to one deliberative vote.

The Board of Directors may empower persons with executive positions or other competent persons to conclude certain legal acts in the name or on behalf of the Organization or to fulfill any other attributions provided in the statute or established by the General Assembly or by the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors meets whenever the needs of the Organization impose it and is convened, as a rule, 5 (five) days before by the president or his substitute who also exercises the management of its meetings.

The Board of Directors deliberates, validly, in the presence of at least 2/3 of its members and adopts decisions valid with one half plus one of the votes of those present.


  • Social-Educational
  • PR and Communication
  • Fundraising - project writing
  • Human Resources and Accounting
  • IT
  • Managementul Proiectelor
Attributions of the Social-Educational department
  • organize events, courses and training regarding the protection of the environment and the health benefits of nature,
  • establish research groups on certain topics and publish the results in specialized journals in the country and abroad,
  • participate in conferences related to the fields of activity of the Organization,
  • organize social events for members and volunteers of the Organization,
  • organize environment clean-up actions.
Attributions of the PR and Communication department
  • identify possible collaborators and partners and establish a connection with them,
  • conclude partnership contracts,
  • maintain relationships with partners and communicate with them during the project development,
  • manage media relationship,
  • promote the Organization as well as its events and projects,
  • create promotional materials,
  • manage, update and create content for the Organization's blog and social media pages.
Attributions of the fundraising - project writing department
  • identify funding sources,
  • fundraising,
  • obtain sponsorship,
  • write projects - familiarization with the regulations of the financiers, completing the financing applications, the primary design of the projects
  • estimate and manage resources.
Attributions of the Human Resources and Accounting department
  • identify the need for human resources such as voluntary and internal staff of the Organization,
  • recruit volunteers and internal staff,
  • take over the applications for membership,
  • complete employment / accession formalities,
  • training volunteers and employees
  • carry out primary accounting,
  • make payment to suppliers of goods and services.
Attributions of the IT department
  • resure the functionality of the website and email accounts,
  • identify software development opportunities,
  • maintain relationships with web service providers.
Attributions of the Project Management department
  • identify potential projects,
  • identify the need for logistical and human resources in order to implement projects,
  • make budget estimates for activities,
  • plan and coordinate the activity of volunteers in order to organize the actions of the Organization,
  • plan and coordinate the activity of internal teams in order to achieve the assigned projects,
  • prepare the evaluation report of completed projects.
Department coordinators
  • coordinate the volunteers in carrying out the planned activities,
  • give their consent for the activities of the members of the respective department,
  • formulate a monthly activity report to be handed over to the management bodies,
  • have the right to propose the sanction of volunteers who refuse to fulfill their duties,
  • have the right to propose volunteers as members of the Organization,
  • have the right to propose amendments to the internal regulations.


Member categories

The Organization consists of the following categories of members:

  • founding members - who participated in the founding of the Organization and contributed materially and morally to its founding and to the establishment of the initial social patrimony,
  • associate members - who are associated subsequently founding of the Organization and contribute morally and materially to the increase of its patrimony,
  • honorary members - persons or companies who have made a special contribution to the development of the Organization's activity on a moral and material level,
  • supporting members - persons or companies who support the Organization materially, by paying dues or by offering unpaid services in order to support the activity of the Organization.
Acquiring membership

Any person or company who adheres to the statute of the Organization can be a member of COMMUNITY POWERED BY DLOT, committing that he/she/it will apply and respect unconditionally his statute as well as the legislation in force.

The status of member of the Organization is acquired through the following ways:
  • At the constitution, by signing the constitutive act.
  • Subsequently, by submitting in writing an application to express its will to join, and the application will be approved by the Board of Directors.

The quality of associate member, supporting member and that of honorary member is granted by the Board of Directors with majority vote.

The eligibility criteria for obtaining the quality of associate member are the following:
  • actively participated in at least 3 actions of the Organization OR
  • has successfully coordinated at least 2 campaigns in the interest of the Organization.
The eligibility criteria for obtaining the honorary membership are the following:
  • brings a major material contribution to the patrimony of the Organization OR
  • contributes to the increase of the notoriety and the presence in the media of the Organization.
The eligibility criteria for obtaining the status of supporting member are the following:
  • holds an unpaid position within the Organization, other than volunteering OR
  • is actively involved in both internal and external activities of the Organization.

Membership is not transferable.

Loss of membership
Loss of membership occurs in the following situations:
  • cessation of the existence of the Organization,
  • loss of citizenship,
  • loss of exercise capacity,
  • resignation from membership,
  • violation of the obligations and duties provided in the Statute and in the regulation,
  • improper conduct, which causes moral and / or material damages to the Organization,
  • withdrawal of this quality by the Board of Directors for justified reasons.

The loss of the quality of members of the Organization is decided by the Board of Directors and is submitted to the vote in the General Assembly, which takes the decision by qualified majority. The person in question may challenge the decision within 15 working days from the communication of the decision before the General Assembly.

Associate members who retire or are excluded have no right over the social patrimony of the Organization, in case of dissolution.

Members who retire or are excluded have the obligation to submit a written report to the Board of Directors on the administration of any funds or property of the Organization within a maximum of 7 (seven) days from the date of validation of the decision to lose membership. In case of finding an irregularity, he/she will answer before the law.

The rights of members of the Organization
The rights of the members of the Organization are the following:
  • to publish articles, studies and other works on behalf of the Organization,
  • to receive social and humanitarian aid, in case of need,
  • to propose activities, campaigns, solutions and changes regarding the purpose of the Organization and the functioning regulation,
  • to withdraw on request,
  • to be informed regarding the activities of the Organization,
  • to recommend new members and volunteers,
  • to hold positions for which they are qualified,
  • to participate in events organized by the Organization,
  • to address requests, proposals and complaints at any level of the Organization's management.
Associate members' rights:
  • to participate in the general meetings of the Organization,
  • to elect and be elected in the Board of Directors and in the Board of Auditors, if they have reached the age of 18, have the skills and abilities necessary to exercise the positions for which they are running,
  • the right to vote decisively in the General Assembly,
  • the right to advisory vote within the Board of Directors.
The rights of honorary members:
  • to participate in the general meetings of the Organization,
  • to elect and be elected in the Board of Directors and in the Board of Auditors, if they have reached the age of 18, have the skills and abilities necessary to exercise the positions for which they are running,
  • the right to an advisory vote within the General Assembly and the Board of Directors.
The rights of supporters:
  • to participate in the meetings of the General Assembly and of the Board of Directors of the Organization,
  • to elect and be elected in the Board of Directors and in the Board of Auditors, if they have reached the age of 18, have the necessary skills and abilities to exercise the positions for which they are running,
  • the right to vote decisively in the General Assembly,
  • the right to advisory vote within the Board of Directors.
The obligations of members of the Organization are the following:
  • to express by vote his option towards the draft decisions of the General Assembly,
  • to respect, without reservations, the statute, the regulations and the norms of its internal functioning,
  • to comply with its financial and material obligations, according to the commitments it has assumed,
  • to defend, without reservations, the Organization and its interests,
  • to actively participate in the activities organized by the Organization and to contribute to their coordination,
  • to notify the Organization about the issues regarding the purpose and objectives of the Organization,
  • not to carry out within the Organization or on the occasion of the manifestations organized by the Organization, political propaganda activities towards other members of the Organization, or towards third parties, in professional connection with the Organization or foreigners of the Organization,
  • to pay the monetary contributions, on which they agreed,
  • to contribute to the increase of the general prestige of the Organization.


Recruitment of volunteers is announced on the Organization's website as well as by other means in the real or virtual environment and it takes into account the principles of non-discrimination, equity and dignity and transparency.

Volunteer rights:
  • to carry out the volunteer activity in accordance with his capacity and availability,
  • to request the host Organization to issue the volunteer certificate accompanied by the activity report,
  • confidentiality and protection of personal data,
  • free time corresponding to the volunteer activity,
  • to be respected as a person and treated as a colleague with equal rights by the management and members of the Organization,
  • to actively participate in the elaboration and development of the programs in consideration of which he agreed by the contract and to propose projects and activities,
  • to benefit from guidance from the project coordinator / department,
  • to be reimbursed the expenses incurred for carrying out the activities,
  • to submit an application for registration as a member of the Organization.
Obligations of volunteers:
  • to perform an activity of public interest, without remuneration,
  • to have a complementary conduct with the general objectives of volunteering,
  • to fulfill the tasks provided in the volunteer file, as well as the observance of the instructions stipulated in the volunteer protection file,
  • to keep the confidentiality of the information to which he has access within the volunteering activity, during the development of the volunteering contract and for a period of 2 years after its termination,
  • to announce at least 24 hours in advance the temporary unavailability to perform the volunteer activity in which he is involved,
  • to fulfill in time the tasks received from the project / program organizers,
  • to participate in the training courses offered by the organizers if they are necessary for the good fulfillment of the tasks,
  • to protect the goods he uses in volunteering activities,
  • to respect the rules and norms of behaviour of the host Organization: politeness, kindness, civilized language, pro-activity, assertiveness,
  • to treat with respect the other volunteers and the members of the Organization,
  • not to communicate or spread in public defamatory statements about the Organization and / or its activity,
  • not to carry out within the Organization or on the occasion of the manifestations organized by the Organization, activities of political propaganda towards other members of the Organization, or towards third parties, in professional connection with the Organization or foreigners.


The annual fee is in the amount of 200 lei. It can be paid in quarterly, half-yearly or annual installments.

For founding members, the membership fee is due to the Organization starting with the year following the establishment of the Organization.

Associate members must pay, in addition to the annual membership fee, a one-time entry fee to the Organization. The amount of the fee is 50 lei and is paid at the time of registration as a member in the constitutive act and statute.

Payment of the membership fee is mandatory to maintain membership.

Payment of membership fees confers voting status.


Loss of membership

Loss of membership occurs in the following situations:

  • cessation of the existence of the Organization,
  • loss of citizenship,
  • loss of exercise capacity,
  • resignation from membership,
  • violation of the obligations and duties provided in the Statute and in the regulation,
  • improper conduct, which causes moral and / or material damages to the Organization,
  • withdrawal of this quality by the Board of Directors for justified reasons.

The loss of the quality of members of the Organization is decided by the Board of Directors and is submitted to the vote in the General Assembly, which takes the decision by qualified majority. The person in question may challenge the decision within 15 working days from the communication of the decision before the General Assembly.

Sanctions for volunteers

The first deviation from the observance of the duties is sanctioned with verbal warning and justification of the deed before the Board of Directors.

The second violation is sanctioned with written warning and with:

  • payment or replacement in case of damaged goods and
  • public apologies if they threaten the dignity of a member or volunteer of the Organization.

The third deviation attracts the suspension.

The Board of Directors may resort to automatic suspension in case the name of the Organization is denigrated, or information leaks occur.


This regulation applies only within the Organization and within its activities.
The regulations must be presented to all members and volunteers of the Organization and be signed by them.

Proposals to amend the regulations may be submitted by volunteers to the department coordinators and by members to the Board of Directors, and will be placed on the agenda for discussion in the General Assembly.

These regulations may be amended by decision of the General Assembly.
The rights over the name of the Organization, the visual identity such as logo and graphic elements, as well as over the concepts existing at the time founding of the Organization (Trip and Pick) belong to the company POWERED BY DLOT SRL.

Other intellectual property rights, such as graphics, texts, phrases, images, etc., are established by amending this regulation, at the request of the author.

Asociația Community powered by DLOT reserves the right to amend the regulations periodically.
The changes will be notified to the members and volunteers, who have the obligation to sign the acknowledgment. This document will be amended within 24 hours from the date of approval of the amendments to the regulations.

For any information regarding the regulation you can contact us by email, at

By using our site, contacting us by any physical or electronic means, registering as a volunteer or making a donation, you state that you have read, understood and agree to the Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions described in this present document.